Monday, 30 March 2020

Difference between interface and abstract class c#

Difference between interface and abstract class c#

               Interface                                               Abstract Class

1. Interface is by-default ‘Public’.                                       1. Abstract class is by-default ‘Private’.

2. Interface have declaration only,                              2. Abstract class can have declaration and
   it contains only methods declaration.                      and implementation part, it can have fields also.

3. Interface cannot be implementing partially.                3. Abstract class can be implementing partially.

4. An interface can inherit from another interface         4. An abstract class can inherit from another abstract 
    only and cannot inherit form an abstract class.              class or another interface.

5. Class can inherit multiple interfaces at the                 5. Class cannot inherit multiple classes at the same 
    same time.                                                                             time.

6. An interface cannot have Access Specifiers.               6. An abstract can have Access Specifiers.

Friday, 20 March 2020

How to find Missing Element in Series(1, 3, 5, 9, 11).

How to find Missing Element in Series(1, 3, 5, 9, 11).

Main Program

using System;
namespace DotNetByPriyanshu
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            int[] Series1 = { 1, 3, 5, 9, 11 }; // Output : 7
            int[] Series2 = { 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 }; // Output : 8

            // creating an object of missingElement  Class
            missingElement missingElement = new missingElement();

            int result1 = missingElement.Missing(Series1.Length, Series1);
            Console.WriteLine("Missing Element  for Series1= " + result1);

            int result2 = missingElement.Missing(Series2.Length, Series2);
            Console.WriteLine("Missing Element  for Series2= " + result2);



namespace DotNetByPriyanshu
    public class missingElement
        public int Missing(int size, int[] Array)
            //Arithmetic Series sum of sequence.

            int MissingNumber = 0;
            int n = Array.Length + 1;
            int d = Array[1] - Array[0];
            int sn = n / 2 * (2 * Array[0] + (n - 1) * d);  // Formula

            // Sum of array.

            int sumOfArray = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Array.Length; i++)
                sumOfArray = sumOfArray + Array[i];

           // Calculate Missing Element.

            MissingNumber = sn - sumOfArray;
            return MissingNumber;


 Series1= { 1, 3, 5, 9, 11 }; // Output : 7
 Series2= { 2, 4, 6, 10, 12 }; // Output : 8

Sunday, 15 March 2020

C# Interview Question for Experienced

C# Interview Question for Experienced

Q1. Difference b/w convert.toint32 vs int.parse vs tryparse
ð  Int.parse not handle null and balck value its throws exception
ð  int.tryparse handle null and balck value and convert them zero
ð  Int.parse and  toint 32 giv out of format exception
ð  Tryparse  never give exception and its best to use
ð  Int32 not handle blank value its give exception

Syntax:   bool output;
output = int.TryParse(str1,out finalResult); // 9009

Is Operator is used to Check the Compatibility of an Object with a given Type and it returns the result as a Boolean (True Or False).
                    if (someObject isStringBuilder) .

AS : As Operator is used for Casting of Object to a given Type or a Class.
The as operator does the same job of is operator but the difference is instead of bool, it returns the object if they are compatible to that type, else it returns null
StringBuilder b = someObject asStringBuilder;
if (b != null) ..

Q3. Access Modifier
The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it.
The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or struct.
The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class, or in a class that is derived from that class.(Derived class may be in another assembly also)
The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from another assembly.
protected internal The type or member can be accessed by any code in the assembly in which it is declared, or from within a derived class in another assembly.1
private protected The type or member can be accessed only within its declaring assembly, by code in the same class or in a type that is derived from that class

Note : Child class by must be less accessible or equal accessible
Clonemethod clones the structure of the data Table, including all data Table schemas and constraints. Not data.

DataTable.Copymethod copies both the structure and data.
*Nth Highest Salary :
--option 1
Select TOP 1 Salary as '3rd Highest Salary'
from (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 Salary from Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC)
a ORDER BY Salary ASC)
--option 2
FROM(SELECT Name,sal,DENSE_RANK() over(ORDER BY sal) AS rk FROM Person1) as a where rk=3
--option 3
select * from (
  select e.*, row_number() over (order by sal desc) rn from emp e
where rn = 2;

Self-join Manager name:
SELECT e1.Name EmployeeName, AS ManagerName FROM Employee e1 INNER JOIN Employee e2 ON e1.ManagerID = e2.EmployeeID
Destructor:  implicitly calls the Finalize method, they are technically same. Dispose is available with those object which implements IDisposable interface.
The destructor implicitly calls Finalize on the base class of the object.
Example from the same link:
class Car
    ~Car()  // destructor
        // cleanup statements...
Destructor code is implicitly translated to the following code:
protected override void Finalize()
    {  // Cleanup statements...

1.    Difference b/w == and Equals :
     string  o = "my name is sujeet";
              string o1 = "my name is sujeet";
              Console.WriteLine(o== o1); // return false
Console.WriteLine(o.Equals(o1)); // return true
·        == => compare object  reference only
·       Equals compare content only
·       For string data always do content check only
2.    Is and As Keyword
ð Is check variable type and return true and false
ð The is operator in C# is used to check the object type and it returns a bool value: true if the object is the same type and false if no
ð The as operator does the same job of is operator but the difference is instead of bool, it returns the object if they are compatible to that type, else it returns null.
ð As is used to check compatibility from one  opject type to another
object str = "sujeet";
if (str isstring)
Console.WriteLine("is same type");

string x = str asstring;
3.    Int 32  vs parse int vs tryparse
=> int.Parse (string s)  =>method converts the string to integer. If string s is null, then it will throw ArgumentNullException. If string s is other than integer value, then it will throw FormatException. If string s represents out of integer ranges, then it will throw OverflowException.
=>Convert.ToInt32 (string s) method converts the string to integer. If string s is null, then it will return 0 rather than throw ArgumentNullException. If string s is other than integer value, then it will throw FormatException. If string s represents out of integer ranges, then it will throw OverflowException.
=>  int.TryParse(string s,out int) method converts the string to integer out variable and returns true if successfully parsed, otherwise false. If string s is null, then the out variable has rather than throw ArgumentNullException. If string s is other than integer value, then the out variable will have 0rather than FormatException. If string s represents out of integer ranges, then the out variable will have 0rather than throw OverflowException.
  string str1="9009";
            string str2=null;
            string str3="9009.9090800";
            string str4="90909809099090909900900909090909";
            int finalResult;
            bool output;
            output = int.TryParse(str1,out finalResult); // 9009
            output = int.TryParse(str2,out finalResult); // 0
            output = int.TryParse(str3,out finalResult); // 0
            output = int.TryParse(str4, out finalResult); // 0

4.    Dynamic vs var keyword :
ð  Var is early bounded and its compile time .
ð  Var  introduced in 3.0
ð  var declarations are resolved at compile-time.
ð  Dynamic is late bounded and introduced  in 4.0
ð  Dynamic internally uses reflection
ð  Table of difference 
Introduced in C# 3.0 Introduced in C# 4.0
Statically typed – This means the type of variable declared is decided by the compiler at compile time. Dynamically typed - This means the type of variable declared is decided by the compiler at runtime time.
Need to initialize at the time of declaration.
e.g., var str=”I am a string”;
Looking at the value assigned to the variable str, the compiler will treat the variable str as string.
No need to initialize at the time of declaration.
e.g., dynamic str; 
str=”I am a string”; //Works fine and compiles
str=2; //Works fine and compiles
Errors are caught at compile time.
Since the compiler knows about the type and the methods and properties of the type at the compile time itself
Errors are caught at runtime 
Since the compiler comes to about the type and the methods and properties of the type at the run time.
Visual Studio shows intellisense since the type of variable assigned is known to compiler. Intellisense is not available since the type and its related methods and properties can be known at run time only

e.g., var obj1;
will  throw a compile error since the variable is not initialized. The compiler needs that this variable should be initialized so that it can infer a type from the value.
e.g., dynamic obj1; 
will compile;
e.g. var obj1=1;
will compile 
var obj1=” I am a string”;
will throw error since the compiler has already decided that the type of obj1 is System.Int32 when the value 1 was assigned to it. Now assigning a string value to it violates the type safety.
e.g. dynamic obj1=1;
will compile and run 
dynamic obj1=” I am a string”; 
will compile and run since the compiler creates the type for obj1 as System.Int32 and then recreates the type as string when the value “I am a string” was assigned to it.
This code will work fine. 

5.    Out vs ref keyword

ð Out and ref , both are passed be reference
ð The ref keyword is used to pass an argument as a reference. This means that when value of that parameter is changed in the method, it gets reflected in the calling method. An argument that is passed using a ref keyword must be initialized in the calling method before it is passed to the called method
ð The out keyword is also used to pass an argument like ref keyword, but the argument can be passed without assigning any value to it. An argument that is passed using an out keyword must be initialized in the called method before it returns back to calling method.
ð Both ref and out cannot be used in method overloading simultaneously. However, ref and out are treated differently at run-time but they are treated same at compile time (CLR doesn't differentiates between the two while it created IL for ref and out).
ð Properties cannot be passed to ref or out parameters since internally they are functions and not members/variables.
6.    Extension Method : 
ð Help you to add new method to exiting types without modifying the original code, inheritance, or aggregating
       publicstaticint Subtract( thiswrappermath obj,int a, int b)
       return a - b;

             wrappermath obj = newwrappermath();
int result = obj.add(10, 100);
            result = obj.Subtract(10, 100);


7        Constant vs static vs read only

·         Covariance vs contra variance

·         Software design principles are a set of guidelines that helps developers to make a good system design


1. Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that allows us to develop loosely coupled code.
2. DI is a great way to reduce tight coupling between software components.
3. DI also enables us to better manage future changes and other complexity in our software.
4. The purpose of DI is to make code maintainable.
·         Reduces class coupling
·         Increases code reusability
·         Improves code maintainability
·         Improves application testing
·         Centralized configuration
Suppose your Client class needs to use a Service class component, then the best you can do is to make your Client class aware of an Service interface rather than a Service class. In this way, you can change the implementation of the Service class at any time (and for how many times you want) without breaking the host code.
Note: The process of injecting (converting) coupled (dependent) objects into decoupled (independent) objects is called Dependency Injection.
Types of Dependency injection
1.       Constructor injection
2.       Property injection
3.       Method injection

DI and Service Locator are the ways of implementing IOC.

A DI Container is a framework to create dependencies and inject them automatically when required. It automatically creates objects based on request and injects them when required. DI Container helps us to manage dependencies with in the application in a simple and easy way.
We can also manage an application dependencies without a DI Container, but it will be like as POOR MAN’S DI and we have to do more work, to make it configured and manageable.

1.      Autofacs
      2. Unity container
2.      Castle Windsor
3.      Structure map
4.      Sprint net
What happens if we apply DataMember attributes to Static Fields?
Ans: Ignored
Claim based autorization in .net
ans: 4.5
Design pattern vs Design principle Vs Architectural Style :
Design pattern:
·        Patterns are common solutions to object-oriented programming problems.
They are solutions to real world problems that pop up time and again, so instead of reinventing the wheel, we follow the design patterns that are well-proven, tested by others, and safe to follow. Now, design patterns are specific; there are terms and conditions only in which a design pattern can be applied.
·         Singleton Pattern ( One class can only have one instance at a time )
·         Adapter Pattern ( Match interface of different classes )
·         It provides low level solution (implementation) for the commonly occurring object oriented problem. In another word, design pattern suggest specific implementation for the specific object oriented programming problem. For example, if you want create a class that can only have one object at a time then you can use Singleton design pattern which suggests the best way to create a class that can only have one object.
·         Design patterns are tested by others and safe to follow. E.g. Gang of Four patterns: Abstract Factory, Factory, Singleton, Command etc
·         It is at code  level or pseudo code

Design Principle: Solid
·        It provides high level guide lines to design better software applications. Design principles do not provide implementation and not bound to any programming language.
·        Design principles are core abstract principles which we are supposed to follow while designing software architect.Remember they aren't concrete; rather abstract.s

Architectural style/principles:
They are just principlesand they are just one liner which we need to follow
And how we follow it up us using java or c# etc
Example: Rest,SOA,ioc

Architecture pattern:
Its block level diagram like Model View controller or multiple layer architecture
And it up to user how they implements these layer
Example: MVC, MVVM, multilayer project
Difference b/w thread and task:
A task is simply a set of instructions loaded into the memory. 
A program is a set of executable instructions.
A running instance of a program is called a process002E

*Tuples In C#:

Often, we want to return more than one value from a class method. Prior to the introduction of tuples in .NET, there were three common ways to do so. 
  • Out parameters
  • Class or struct types
  • Anonymous types returned through a dynamic return type 
Tuples solve this problem. Tuples aren’t new to C# or .NET. Tuples were first introduced as a part of .NET Framework 4.0.
tuple is a data structure that provides an easy way to represent a single set of data. The System.Tuple class provides static methods to create tuple objects.
Tuples allow us to,
  • Create, access, and manipulate a data set
  • Return a data set from a method without using out parameter
  • Pass multiple values to a method through a single parameter 

Create and Access Tuples:

We can create a Tuple<> using its constructor or the "Create" method. The code snippet in Listing 1 creates a 3-tuple using a constructor. The tuple is a set of 3 data types including two strings and one int that represents an author's name, book title, and year of publication

1.  // Create a 3-tuple  
2.  var author = new Tuple<stringstringint>("Mahesh Chand""ADO.NET Programming", 2003);  
4.  // Display author info  
5.  System.Console.WriteLine("Author {0} wrote his first book titled {1} in {2}.", author.Item1, author.Item2, author.Item3)
The code snippet in Listing 2 creates a 5-tuple using the static "Create" method. The tuple is a set of 5 data types including three strings, one int, and one double data type.
1.  // Create a 5-tuple  
2.  var pubAuthor = Tuple.Create("Mahesh Chand""Graphics Programming with GDI+""Addison Wesley", 2004, 49.95);  
4.  System.Console.WriteLine("Author {0} wrote his fourth book titled {1} for {2} in {3}. Price: {4}", pubAuthor.Item1, pubAuthor.Item2, pubAuthor.Item3, pubAuthor.Item4, pubAuthor.Item5);
5.    Return Tuples
6.    A tuple can be used to return a data set as a single variable of a method. The code snippet in Listing 6 returns a tuple with 3 values.
7.  public static Tuple<stringstringint> GetTupleMethod()  
8.  {  
9.  // Create a 3-tuple and return it  
10. var author = new Tuple<stringstringint>(  
11. "Mahesh Chand""Programming C#", 2002);  
12. return author;  
13. }  
The code snippet in Listing 7 calls the method, gets a tuple, and reads its values.
1.  var author2 = TupleSamples.GetTupleMethod();  
2.  Console.WriteLine("Author:{0}, Title:{1}, Year:{2}.", author2.Item1, author2.Item2, author2.Item3);  

**Publisher and subscriber:

Delegates holds the reference of the Method. It specifies the signature of a method, and when you have a delegate instance, you can make a call to it as if it was a method with the same signature.


Everyone is waiting for their salaries, so debit of your salary into your account is any event. The triggers on 31st or 30th in IT industry of each month. And we are the subscribers who have been paid for their work or efforts.

Here is our main content:

Three main actors of Publisher and Subscriber pattern:
  • The Event: Salary Debited in your account in an event “SalaryDebited”.
  • The Publisher : The event is published by the “Organization” class.
  • The Subscriber: Each Employee subscribe to “SalaryDebited” event.

Let's say we have Windows Form (UserForm) and we have a Grid on our “UserForm”. Again we have one “UserControl” and on UC we have one button.

Now what my job is, on click of button I need to fill the Grid on user form.

So in our case the Publisher is User control and Subscriber is windows form.

  1. This is our form and its description. We are adding control (PopulateGrid) on Panel.

  2. Grid Populated with data on button click:

An enumeration is used in any programming language to define a constant set of values. In C#, enum is a value type data type. The enum is used to declare a list of named integer constants. It can be defined using the enum keyword directly inside a namespace, class, or structure. The enum is used to give a name to each constant so that the constant integer can be referred using its name.
the first member of an enum has the value 0 and the value of each successive enum member is increased by 1

Console.WriteLine((int)weekdays.Wednesday)=>answer 2

Console.WriteLine((int)weekdays.Wednesday)=>answer 10

1.   The enum is a set of named constant.
2.   The value of enum constants starts from 0. Enum can have value of any valid numeric type.
3.   String enum is not supported in C#.
4.   Use of enum makes code more readable and manageable


A structure is a value type that can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, events and nested types. A structure can be defined using the structkeyword.
publicint Cloths { get; set; }
publicint HomeDecor { get; set; }
publicint Grocery { get; set; }
Initialize Structure:
Inside mai
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
Discounts saleDiscounts = newDiscounts();

saleDiscounts.Cloths = 10;
saleDiscounts.HomeDecor = 5;
saleDiscounts.Grocery = 2;
A struct is a value type so it is faster than a class object. Use struct whenever you want to just store the data. Generally structs are good for game programming. However, it is easier to transfer a class object than a struct. So do not use struct when you are passing data across the wire or to other classes.

Characteristics of Structure:

  • Structure can include constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, events & nested types.
  • Structure cannot include default constructor or destructor.
  • Structure can implement interfaces.
  • A structure cannot inherit another structure or class.
  • Structure members cannot be specified as abstract, virtual, or protected.
  • Structures must be initialized with new keyword in order to use it's properties, methods or events.

Difference between Struct and Class:

  • Class is reference type whereas struct is value type
  • Struct cannot declare a default constructor or destructor. However, it can have parametrized constructors.
  • Struct can be instasntiated without the new keyword. However, you won't be able to use any of its methods, events or properties if you do so.
  • Struct cannot be used as a base or cannot derive another struct or class. Points to Remember :
1.   Structure is a value type and defined using struct keyword.
2.   Structure can be initialized with or without new keyword.
3.   Structure must be initialized with new keyword to use its' properties, methods and events.
4. Example: Structure
5.  structPoint
6.  {
7.  privateint _x, _y;
9.  publicint x, y;
11. publicstaticint X, Y;
13. publicint XPoint {
14. get
15.         {
16. return _x;
17.         }
19. set
20.         {
21.             _x = value;
22.             PointChanged(_x);
23.         }
24.     }
26. publicint YPoint
27.     {
28. get
29.         {
30. return _y;
31.         }
32. set
33.         {
34.             _y = value;
35.             PointChanged(_y);
36.         }
37.     }
39. publiceventAction<int> PointChanged;
41. publicvoid PrintPoints()
42.     {
43. Console.WriteLine(" x: {0}, y: {1}", _x, _y);
44.     }
46. publicstaticvoid StaticMethod()
47.     {
48. Console.WriteLine("Inside Static method");
49.     }
Initialize Structure using new keyword:
staticvoid StructEventHandler(int point)
Console.WriteLine("Point changed to {0}", point);

staticvoid Main(string[] args)

Point p = newPoint();

        p.PointChanged += StructEventHandler;
        p.XPoint = 123;


Base Keyword:
The base keyword is used to refer to the base class when chaining constructors or when you want to access a member (method, property, anything) in the base class that has been overridden or hidden in the current class. For example,
class A {
protectedvirtualvoidFoo() {
Console.WriteLine("I'm A");

class B : A {
protectedoverridevoidFoo() {
Console.WriteLine("I'm B");

publicvoidBar() {
With these definitions,
new B().Bar();
would output
I'm B
I'm A

1.     **Indexer :
C# introduces a new concept known as Indexers which are used for treating an object as an array. The indexers are usually known as smart arrays in C#. They are not essential part of object-oriented programming.
  • Indexer Concept is object act as an array.
  • Indexer an object to be indexed in the same way as an array.
  • Indexer modifier can be private, public, protected or internal.
  • The return type can be any valid C# types.
  • Indexers in C# must have at least one parameter. Else the compiler will generate a compilation error.
  • Indexers are always created with this keyword.
  • Parameterized property are called indexer.
  • Indexers are implemented through get and set accessors for the [ ] operator.
  • ref and out parameter modifiers are not permitted in indexer.
  • The formal parameter list of an indexer corresponds to that of a method and at least one parameter should be specified.
  • Indexer is an instance member so can't be static but property can be static.
  • Indexers are used on group of elements.
  • Indexer is identified by its signature where as a property is identified it's name.
  • Indexers are accessed using indexes where as properties are accessed by names.
  • Indexer can be overloaded.

  • using System;  
  • namespace Indexer_example1  
  • {  
  •     class Program  
  •     {  
  •         class IndexerClass  
  •         {  
  •             private string[] names = new string[10];  
  •             public string this[int i]  
  •             {  
  •                 get  
  •                 {  
  •                     return names[i];  
  •                 }  
  •                 set  
  •                 {  
  •                     names[i] = value;  
  •                 }  
  •             }  
  •         }  
  •         static void Main(string[] args)  
  •         {  
  •             IndexerClass Team = new IndexerClass();  
  •             Team[0] = "Rocky";  
  •             Team[1] = "Teena";  
  •             Team[2] = "Ana";  
  •             Team[3] = "Victoria";  
  •             Team[4] = "Yani";  
  •             Team[5] = "Mary";  
  •             Team[6] = "Gomes";  
  •             Team[7] = "Arnold";  
  •             Team[8] = "Mike";  
  •             Team[9] = "Peter";  
  •             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)  
  •             {  
  •                 Console.WriteLine(Team[i]);  
  •             }  
  •             Console.ReadKey();  
  •         }  
  •     }  
  • }

** IEnumerable  vs IEnumerator

IEnumerable :
IEnumerable is an interface defining a single method GetEnumerator() that returns an IEnumerator interface.
This works for readonly access to a collection that implements that IEnumerable can be used with a foreach statement.
List<string> Month = newList<string>();

IEnumerable<string> ienumobj = (IEnumerable<string>) Month;

foreach(var  months in ienumobj)

IEnumerator<string> enumertaorobj = (IEnumerator<string>)Month;

//To retrieve all the items from the above IEnumerator object, we cannot use foreach loop instead of that we need to invoke MoveNext() Boolean method. 
while (enumertaorobj.MoveNext())
The IEnumerable interface actually uses IEnumerator. The main reason to create an IEnumerable is to make the syntax shorter and simpler.
If you go to the definition of the IEnumerable<T> interface, you will see this interface has a method GetEnumerator() that returns an IEnumerator object back.
// Summary:
//     Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of
//     a specified type.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see
//     the Reference Source.
// Type parameters:
//   T:
//     The type of objects to enumerate.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you
//     can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more
//     information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance
//     in Generics.
publicinterfaceIEnumerable<outT> : IEnumerable
// Summary:
//     Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
// Returns:
//     An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();
In short, this IEnumerable uses IEnumerator internally.
The main difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator is an IEnumerator retains its cursor's current state. So, IEnumerator retains its cursor state.

staticvoid iEnumeratorMethodOne(IEnumerator<string> i)
while (i.MoveNext())
if(i.Current== "June")


staticvoid iEnumeratorMethodTwo(IEnumerator<string> j)
Console.WriteLine("second method start");
while (j.MoveNext())
Console.WriteLine(j.Current); => july and onwards so it maintain cursor state.


staticvoid Main(string[] args)

List<string> Month = newList<string>();



* Constant and ReadOnly and Static


Constant fields or local variables must be assigned a value at the time of declaration and after that they cannot be modified. By default constant are static, hence you cannot define a constant type as static.
·         Could be declared within functions

1.  publicconstint X =10;
A const field is a compile-time constant. A constant field or local variable can be initialized with a constant expression which must be fully evaluated at compile time.
1.  voidCalculate(int Z)
2.  {
3.  constint X =10, X1 =50;
4.  constint Y = X + X1;//no error, since its evaluated a compile time
5.  constint Y1 = X + Z;//gives error, since its evaluated at run time
6.  }
You can apply const keyword to built-in value types (byte, short, int, long, char, float, double, decimal, bool), enum, a string literal, or a reference type which can be assigned with a value null.
1.  constMyClass obj1 = null;//no error, since its evaluated a compile time
2.  constMyClass obj2 =newMyClass();//gives error, since its evaluated at run time
Constants can be marked as public, private, protected, internal, or protected internal access modifiers.
Use the const modifier when you sure that the value a field or local variable would not be changed


A readonly field can be initialized either at the time of declaration or with in the constructor of same class. Therefore, readonly fields can be used for run-time constants.
1.  classMyClass
2.  {
3.   readonly int X =10;// initialized at the time of declaration
4.   readonly int X1;
6.  publicMyClass(int x1)
7.  {
8.   X1 = x1;// initialized at run time
9.  }
10. }
Explicitly, you can specify a readonly field as static since, like constant by default it is not static. Readonly keyword can be apply to value type and reference type (which initialized by using the new keyword) both. Also, delegate and event could not be readonly.
Use the readonly modifier when you want to make a field constant at run time.

**Static ReadOnly: A Static Readonly type variable's value can be assigned at runtime or assigned at compile time and changed at runtime. But this variable's value can only be changed in the static constructor. And cannot be changed further. It can change only once at runtime. Let's understand it practically


The static keyword is used to specify a static member, which means static members are common to all the objects and they do not tied to a specific object. This keyword can be used with classes, fields, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors, but it cannot be used with indexers, destructors, or types other than classes.
1.  classMyClass
2.  {
3.  staticint X =10;
4.  int Y =20;
5.  publicstaticvoidShow()
6.  {
7.  Console.WriteLine(X);
8.  Console.WriteLine(Y);//error, since you can access only static members
9.  }
10. }

Key points about Static keyword

1.      If the static keyword is applied to a class, all the members of the class must be static.
2.      Static methods can only access static members of same class. Static properties are used to get or set the value of static fields of a class.
3.      Static constructor can't be parameterized. Access modifiers can not be applied on Static constructor, it is always a public default constructor which is used to initialize static fields of the class.

**Thread vs Process vs task:

A task is a set of program instructions that are loaded in memory.

All running instance of Program is  called process.

program in Simple terms can be described as any executable file. A programme can have n number of process.

Thread is commonly described as a lightweight process. 1 process can have N threads
ð  A programme(msword) can have multiple process (creating new document, Editing existing document and opening another document)
And one process can have multiple threads(ui thread,thred for saving images, thread for  changing fonts).
Task internally uses threads  so task is wrapper on threading.

program in Simple terms can be described as any executable file. Basically it contains certain set of instructions written with the intent of carrying out a specific operation. It resides in Memory & is a passive entity which doesn’t go away when system reboots.
Any running instance of a program is called as process or it can also be described as a program under execution. 1 program can have N processes. Process resides in main memory & hence disappears whenever machine reboots. Multiple processes can be run in parallel on a multiprocessor system.
Thread is commonly described as a lightweight process. 1 process can have N threads. All threads which are associated with a common process share same memory as of process.The essential difference between a thread and a process is the work that each one is used to accomplish. Threads are being used for small & compact tasks, whereas processes are being used for more heavy tasks.
One major difference between a thread and a process is that threads within the same process consume the same address space, whereas different processes do not. This allows threads to read from and write to the common shared and data structures and variables, and also increases ease of communication between threads. Communication between two or more processes – also known as Inter-Process Communication i.e. IPC – is quite difficult and uses intensive resources.
Tasks are very much similar to threads, the difference is that they generally do not interact directly with OS. Like a Thread Pool, a task does not create its own OS thread. A task may or may not have more than one thread internally.
If you want to know when to use Task and when to use Thread: Task is simpler to use and more efficient that creating your own Threads. But sometimes, you need more control than what is offered by Task. In those cases, it makes more sense to use Thread directly.
The bottom line is that Task is almost always the best option; it provides a much more powerful API and avoids wasting OS threads.The only reasons to explicitly create your own Threads in modern code are setting per-thread options, or maintaining a persistent thread that needs to maintain its own identity.

Without TPL:
·         Inside using System.Threading.Tasks;

·         Perf mon tools
·         TPL helps in asynchnous programming  and it multiple thread on all the processer utilizations.
·         Thread may run single processer but TPL RUN on different processer


publicstaticvoid runmilionitertion()
string x = "";
for(int index=0; index<100000;index++)
                x = x + "s";

staticvoid Main(string[] args)

Thread th = newThread(Program.runmilionitertion);

*with TPL:

publicstaticvoid runmilionitertion()
string x = "";
for(int index=0; index<1000000;index++)
                x = x + "s";
Library3        }

staticvoid Main(string[] args)

Parallel.For(0, 1000000, x =>Program.runmilionitertion());


Multithreaded programming can be a real pain. In the old days, we have to deal with creating and managing threads. It was a chore. However, the .NET Task Parallel Library (TPL) makes programming asynchronous operations, the usual work of threads, a lot less painful and a lot more fun.
This is a Down and Dirty article. The goal here is to give you the basics you need to be operational in TPL programming without a lot of theoretical overhead. The article is meant to be fast and simple. You're going get some basic concepts while looking a lot of code. Then, if you feel inspired, you can look to other references to get the details you need to dive more deeply into TPL.
To get full benefit from reading this article, we expect that you can read and program in C#. Also, we assume that you understand the basics of lambda expressions and generics. If you have these basics, you are ready to get down and dirty.

Understanding a Task

Before you go anywhere with TPL, you need to understand the shortcomings of .NET thread programming. The benefit of using multiple threads is that you to do concurrent programming. Methods in a single threaded environment run sequentially. In a multithreaded environment, methods can run simultaneously (see Figure 1).
Selecting a Workload Automation Tool
Figure 1: Methods run sequentially in a single thread; concurrently in a multithreaded environment
Where threading becomes really powerful is on computers having many cores. (Think of a core as a CPU.) Theoretically, when you create multiple threads, the operating system is supposed to assign each thread to a core. In reality, in .NET when you use a Thread object, sometimes the thread runs on a distinct core and sometimes it doesn't (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Sometimes, a .NET Thread will not run on its own thread.
TPL makes it so that you can do reliable multithread programming across multiple cores.

All Cores, All the Time

The Task Parallel Library introduced in .NET 4.5 has automagic that allows you to spawn threads that really do get assigned to a distinct core (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: The Task Parallel Library ensures that threads get assigned to cores, when available.
The way that .NET and the Task Parallel Library fixed this thread issue is to create a thread mechanism called a Task. You can think of Task as an asynchronous operation. Not only do you get the execution isolation that comes with threading, you get functionality that makes programming threads a lot easier.

Working with a Task

As mentioned earlier, a Task describes an asynchronous operation. When you start a Task, you'll pass the Task a lambda expression that indicates the behavior the Task is to execute. That lambda expression can go to a named method or an anonymous method.
There are a few ways to create and run a Task. One way is to use the static method Task.Run(). The method SendDefaultMethod() in the class DownAndDirtyMessenger shown in Listing 1 illustrates how to use Task.Run. (The class, DownAndDirtyMessenger, is the code example that we'll use throughout this article.)
The method SendDefaultMessage() uses Task.Run() to start a Task that runs the method SimpleSend(), asynchronously. Task.Run() takes as an argument a lambda expression that goes to SimpleSend(). Also, the Task that is created is returned by the method, SendDefaultMessage(). This Task is passed to any code that calls DownAndDirtyMessenger.SendDefaultMessage(). Working with the Task returned by SendDefaultMessage() is addressed later in this article.
1.  namespace reselbob.demos.tpl
2.  {
3.  publicclassDownAndDirtyMessenger
4.  {
6.  privatestring _defaultMessage ="Default Message";
8.  privatevoidSimpleSend()
9.  {
10. Console.WriteLine(_defaultMessage);
11. }
14. publicTaskSendDefaultMessage()
15. {
16. returnTask.Run(()=>SimpleSend());
17. }
19. .
20. .
21. .
22. }
Listing 1: You create a Task with a lambda expression.

Using Anonymous Methods in a Task

Another way start a Task is by using a Task.Factory, as shown in Listing 2.
1.  publicTask<string>SendMessage(string message,
2.  int secondsToWait =1)
3.  {
5.  Task<string> task =Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>
6.  {//start anonymous method here
7.  var msg = message;
9.  if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
10.             msg = _defaultMessage;
11. var inTime =DateTime.Now;
12. Thread.Sleep(secondsToWait *1000);
13. var rtn =string.Format("I am sending this Message:{0}
14.             from within the Tasks, Time in: {1}, Time out: {2}",
15.             msg, inTime.ToString(_fmt),
16. DateTime.Now.ToString(_fmt));
17. Console.WriteLine(rtn);
18. return rtn;//return the string as the TResult
19. });
20. return task;
21. }
Listing 2: You can define the entire behavior of a given Task within the lambda expression argument.
Let take a close look at two parts of Listing 2, the method signature and the execution of an anonymous method that the lambda expression goes to.
First, the method signature.
1.  publicTask<string>SendMessage(string message,
2.  int secondsToWait =1){......}
Notice, please, that SendMessage() returns a generic, Task<string>. What's really going here is that .NET is saying that the method SendMessage() is going to return a Task with a TResult of type, string. What is a TResult? Hang tight; we'll get to TResult shortly.
Let's move on the second part, the anonymous method used in the lambda expression. Whereas in Listing 1, we created a Task that had a lambda expression that goes to a named method, SimpleSend(), in Listing 2 the lambda expression goes to an anonymous method. Also, the anonymous method returns a string. This returned string is the TResult that is defined as the return type of SendMessage(), the type, Task<string>.
Let's take a closer look at TResult.

Working with TResult

Let's look at a simple method signature:
1.  publicintAddNumbers(int x,int y){return x +y;};
It's pretty straightforward. We have a method, AddNumbers(), that returns a simple type, int.
However, when we deal with a method that returns a Task object, we have to do things a bit differently.
The way you define a Task that returns a result is:
1.  Task<TResult>
WHERE TResult is the type returned by the asynchronous operation.
Let's look again at the method signature for SendMessage().
1.  publicTask<string>SendMessage(string message,
2.  int secondsToWait =1)
Remember, that a Task represents an asynchronous operation. So, the return from SendMessage() is a reference to the Task it created. But, if we remember back to Listing 2, the anonymous method in SendMessage() returned a string. How can this happen, a method having two return types? Well, not really. Remember, the return type for SendMessage() is: Task<string>. It's generic in which the string is the TResult of the Task.
So, when we declare a return type of Task<string>, what we are saying is "return a Task with a TResult of type, string." The property, Task.Result, is where the TResult lives. Listing 3 shows how we can access the TResult of a Task, when used in a ContinueWith() method. (ContinueWith() is a method of a Task that gets executed when the Task completes.)
1.  var messenger =newDownAndDirtyMessenger();
2.  var task = messenger.SendMessage(null);
3.  task.ContinueWith((t)=>{
4.  Console.WriteLine("The TResult value is: "+
5.        t.Result);
6.  });
Listing 3: TPL automagically passes the Task into the ContinueWith() lambda expression as the parameter, t
One of the nice things about TResult is that can create a custom class to be used as your TResult type. Listing 4 shows a class, MessengerResult, that represents a custom class for the TResult that is used by the demonstration class, DownAndDirtyMessenger.
1.  usingSystem;
3.  namespace reselbob.demos.tpl
4.  {
6.  publicenumSendStatus
7.  {
8.  Success,
9.  Fail
10. }
12. publicclassMessengerResult
13. {
14. publicstringMessage{get;set;}
15. publicDateTimeSendTime{get;set;}
16. publicDateTimeReceivedTime{get;set;}
17. publicSendStatusSendStatus{get;set;}
18. }
19. }
Listing 4: You can create a custom class for your TResult
Listing 5 shows you how to use a custom class as TResult. The method, SendMessageEx(), declares a return type of Task<MessengerResult>. The class, MessengerResult, is the TResult of the returned Task.
1.  publicTask<MessengerResult>SendMessageEx(string message,
2.  int secondsToWait =1)
3.  {
4.  Task<MessengerResult> task =Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>
5.  {
6.  var msg = message;
7.  if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) msg = _defaultMessage;
8.  var inTime =DateTime.Now;
9.  // put in some time-consuming behavior
10. Thread.Sleep(secondsToWait *1000);
11. var outTime =DateTime.Now;
12. var rtn =string.Format(msg);
13. returnnewMessengerResult{Message= msg,ReceivedTime=
14.          inTime,SendTime= outTime };
15. });
16. return task;
17. }
Listing 5: Using a custom class as a TResult
Let's take a closer look at Task.ContinueWith() now.

Using Task.ContinueWith()

There are a number of properties and methods that allow you work with a given Task(see Figure 4). The method that allows you to react to a Task once it completes is ContinueWith().
Figure 4: A Task.ContinueWith() allows you to react to a Task's completion
Task.ContinueWith() is very polymorphic, with a lot of argument permutations. The one that we are interested in is:
1.  publicTaskContinueWith(
2.  Action<Task> continuationAction
3.  )
The variation shown above means that you can use an anonymous method within Task.ContinueWith(). Listing 6 shows an anonymous method within task.ContinueWith((t) => {....}.
1.  var messenger =newDownAndDirtyMessenger();
2.  Task<MessengerResult> task =
3.     messenger.SendMessageEx("This is a secret message");
4.  task.ContinueWith((t)=>{
5.  var fmt ="H:mm:ss:fff";
6.  Console.WriteLine("Message:{0} from within the Tasks,
7.           Time in: {1}, Time out: {2}, Status: {3}",
8.        t.Result.Message,
9.        t.Result.ReceivedTime.ToString(fmt),
10.       t.Result.SendTime.ToString(fmt),
11.       t.Result.SendStatus.ToString());
12. });
Listing 6: Using an anonymous method in Task.ContinueWith();
Notice, please, that the t passed as a parameter in the lambda expression represents the Task associated with the method, ContinueWith(). Because we can get at the Task, we can get the to TResult by way of the property, t.Result.
Now, here is where it gets really interesting. Please remember that, in Listing 6, DownAndDirtyMessenger.SendMessageEx() returns a Task<MessengerResult>. The TResult of the Task returned by the method is type, MessengerResult. Thus, the type of the property, t.Result is MessageResult. We access the properties of the type, MessageResult, as follows:
1.     t.Result.ReceivedTime.ToString(fmt),
2.     t.Result.SendTime.ToString(fmt)
3.     t.Result.SendStatus.ToString());
The important thing to take away from all this is that Task.ContinueWith() allows you to react to a Task upon completion and that we can use a custom class as a TResult to get result information from a Task.

Iteration with Parallel Loops

The Task Parallel Library contains the class, Parallel. Parallel allows you to do asynchronous looping. We're going to look at three methods of the Parallel class.
·         Parallel.Invoke()
·         Parallel.For()
·         Parallel.ForEach()
Each of these methods is highly polymorphic, with lots of parameterization. So for now, we're going to take a simple look at using each. After all, this is a Dirty and Dirty article, not a Deep and In-Depth.


Parallel.Invoke() allows you to invoke methods asynchronously. Listing 7 shows you how to use Parallel.Invoke() to execute five methods simultaneously. Parallel.Invoke() is wrapped up in a method, SendSpam().
1.  privatestring _fmt ="H:mm:ss:fff";
2.  privatevoidSimpleSend(string message)
3.  {
4.  Console.WriteLine(message +" at "+
5.  DateTime.Now.ToString(_fmt));
6.  }
8.  publicvoidSendSpam()
9.  {
10. Parallel.Invoke(
11. ()=>SimpleSend("Moe"),
12. ()=>SimpleSend("Larry"),
13. ()=>SimpleSend("Curly"),
14. ()=>SimpleSend("Shemp"),
15. ()=>SimpleSend("Joe Besser"));
16. }
Listing 7: Parallel.Invoke takes an array of lambda expressions asynchronously
We call SendSpam() as follows:
1.  var messenger =newDownAndDirtyMessenger();
2.  messenger.SendSpam();
The return of the call is a series of Console.Write statements, the output of which is shown below.
1.  Moe at 15:34:39:478
2.  Larry at 15:34:39:482
3.  Curly at 15:34:39:482
4.  Shemp at 15:34:39:482
5.  JoeBesser at 15:34:39:483
Notice that the timestamps of the line of output indicate that the run was almost simultaneous. Yes, we have two outliers. The machine that this code is running on is a two-core machine. So, we might chalk up the slowness of the two outliers to have maxed out the capacity of the machine's CPU.


Parallel.For() allows you to run items items in a for loop asynchronously. The syntax of the Parallel.For() statement is similar to a standard for loop, except the incrementer is implied, so that no i++ is needed. Listing 8 shows you Parallel.For() in action.
1.  publicvoidSendMessages(string[] messages)
2.  {
3.  Parallel.For(
4.  0, messages.Length, i =>
5.  {SimpleSend(messages[i]);});
6.  }
Listing 8: Parallel.For() allows you to iterate over an array asynchronously
The Parallel.For() in Listing 8 is wrapped in a method, SendMessages(string[] messages).
Here is an example of calling the Parallel.For() by way of SendMessages(string[] messages).
1.  var messenger =newDownAndDirtyMessenger();
2.  string[] messages ={"Hello There!","Goodby There!",
3.  "Do you know the meaning of life?"};
4.  messenger.SendMessages(messages);
The outputs are shown below. Notice again that the method, SimpleSend(...), which is called in the Parallel.For executes almost simultaneously. The lag is probably due to my funky, old, two-core machine.
1.  HelloThere! at 15:36:51:401
2.  GoodbyThere! at 15:36:51:
3.  Do you know the meaning of life? at 15:36:51:405


Parallel.ForEach allows you to iterate through collections. Listing 9 shows SendMessages(IEnumerable<string> messages), which is a wrapper for Parallel.ForEach(...).
1.  publicvoidSendMessages(IEnumerable<string> messages)
2.  {
3.  Parallel.ForEach(messages, message =>
4.  {
5.  Console.WriteLine(message +" at "+
6.  DateTime.Now.ToString(_fmt));
7.  });
8.  }
Listing 9: Parallel.ForEach(...) iterates over collections.
We call SendMessage like so:
1.  var messenger =newDownAndDirtyMessenger();
2.  IEnumerable<string> messages =newList<string>{"Hi Moe",
3.  "Hi Larry","Hi Curly","Hi Shemp","Hi Joe Besser"};
4.  messenger.SendMessages(messages);
And the output is shown below:
1.  HiMoe at 15:39:19:682
2.  HiLarry at 15:39:19:685
3.  HiCurly at 15:39:19:686
4.  HiShemp at 15:39:19:686
5.  HiJoeBesser at 15:39:19:686
Again, near simultaneous calls, weirdness due to my machine.

Putting It All Together

This has been a typical Down and Dirty Session. We've covered a lot. You learned how to get up and running using the Task object and you looked at using the Parallel class to iterate asynchronously.
There is little doubt about it, the Task Parallel Library makes asynchronous programming in .NET a whole lot easier than it was in years prior. Still, the technology is broad. You'll need some time get accustomed to it. I hope that you give yourself the time because, once you do, a whole new way of thinking in code will open up to you.

Get the Code

***thread Pool and Task difference is very simple. To understand task you should know about the thread pool: 
Thread Pool is basically help to manage and reuse the free threads. In other words a threadpool is the collection of background thread.
Simple definition of task can be:
Task work asynchronously manages the the unit of work. In easy words Task doesn’t create new threads. Instead it efficiently manages the threads of a threadpool.Tasks are executed by TaskScheduler, which queues tasks onto threads.
